
Photographer, poet, and pilgrim on a journey to re-enchant the world.

The re-sacrilization of the world is not something we accomplish in a day. It takes momentary encounters; little steps along the way as the sky gets brighter and the fog finally breaks and you can see the peaks ahead. It'll take many of us to rediscover this transcendence long buried by our culture, but it can and will be done. 

I'm a photographer, poet, and pilgrim, and all of my work is born from this longing for the sacred. Whether it's found in the beauty of the mass, the hayfield of a homestead, or the silence and serenity of the pilgrim's road, these dispatches along the way 
are not simply stories to enjoy, but prayers of a sort. Each is born from the conviction that Christ doesn't call us to mediocrity or a soulless trudge, but to a life of great adventure.

So whoever you are, wherever you're from, I invite you to join me on this pilgrimage in search of the sacred.

Feel free to reach out on any of my platforms anytime, and I thank you for any and all support you're willing to provide!

Awards, Grants, & Workshops
Video Immersion Award - Alexia Fall Workshop - 2022
Honorable Mention: Photograph - Arts Center East - 2021, 2022
Carl Single Award, Spot News Photography - Syracuse Press Club - 2023
Eddie Adams Workshop XXVII - 2024